ICON Laser Specialist
Cosmetic Laser Center of Irvine
Laser Aesthetics & Medical Spa located in Irvine, CA
Have you ever considered treatments for wrinkles or acne scars but don’t want to have surgery? At Cosmetic Laser Center of Irvine in Irvine, California, cosmetic specialist Dr. Morris Ahdoot and his team offer nonsurgical solutions for cosmetic issues that affect your self-confidence. The staff offers the convenience of in-office laser treatments using the Icon™ technology. You can achieve a younger-looking, healthier you without incisions or downtime. Find out if you’re a candidate for treatment with the Icon laser by calling Cosmetic Laser Center of Irvine today or by booking an appointment online now.
ICON Laser Q & A
Why should I consider Icon laser treatments?
The Icon laser system is a cutting-edge, noninvasive technology that can reduce the appearance of a variety of common cosmetic flaws, including:
- Wrinkles
- Age spots
- Acne scars
- Stretch marks
- Spider veins
- Sun damage
The Cosmetic Laser Center of Irvine medical team can also use the Icon laser technology to remove unwanted hair on your face and body.
How does the Icon laser work?
The Icon system uses laser technology to treat skin flaws without the need for incisions. The Cosmetic Laser Center of Irvine team customizes your treatment to achieve your desired goals and have several Icon handpieces to address specific issues.
For scarring, stretch marks, and areas of discoloration, the Icon laser uses fractional laser technology to break down damaged tissue and stimulate the growth of new collagen, an essential element of healthy skin.
The Cosmetic Laser Center of Irvine providers also use Icon’s fractional energy to stimulate new collagen growth that fills in areas of lost volume to smooth out wrinkles and fine lines.
For hair removal, the Icon’s light-based technology targets the pigments in hair follicles in the active growth phase. By destroying the follicle’s structure, hair can no longer grow.
You could need several sessions for hair removal because only hair follicles in the active growth phase can be treated. Your provider can recommend a timeline for additional treatments, so you can finally ditch the razors and messy wax.
What benefits come with Icon laser treatment?
Because the Icon laser technology is so versatile, the team at Cosmetic Laser Center of Irvine can use the same system to address a variety of cosmetic issues. They perform the procedures in a comfortable office environment with many treatments lasting less than an hour.
Most people tolerate the treatment well and since there’s no need for recovery, you can go back to your job or usual activities without any limitations.
Many of the Icon laser procedures offer results in just one treatment and your Cosmetic Laser Center of Irvine provider customizes your treatment plan to help you achieve the best possible results.
Icon technology makes it possible for you to have younger-looking, smoother, more vibrant skin without the risks of infection or scarring. While the laser system is powerful enough to significantly enhance your natural appearance, it does so without damaging the surrounding skin.
Learn more about the Icon laser and find out if you’re a candidate for treatment by calling Cosmetic Laser Center of Irvine today or by requesting an appointment online.
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