Isolaz Acne Treatment Specialist
Cosmetic Laser Center of Irvine
Laser Aesthetics & Medical Spa located in Irvine, CA
Excess oil production that clogs pores and hair follicles is a major cause of acne. Isolaz acne treatments clear clogged pores, so you can enjoy a smoother, clearer complexion. At Cosmetic Laser Center of Irvine, Dr. Morris Ahdoot offers this treatment as an effective way to treat and reduce the appearance of acne. If you live in Irvine, California or the surrounding area, call the office or book a consultation online to learn more about how this treatment can clear up your skin.
Isolaz Acne Treatment Q & A
What is an Isolaz acne treatment?
The revolutionary technology provided by Isolaz treats acne by clearing out clogged pores and applying light therapy.
To perform this treatment, Dr. Ahdoot applies a small vacuum-like device to your face that loosens excess dirt and oil to clear your pores. Next, light therapy kills the bacteria that causes acne and helps shrink oil glands that contribute to clogged pores.
This type of light therapy is also effective at reducing the redness or inflammation associated with acne outbreaks.
Who is a candidate for Isolaz acne treatment?
Isolaz works on all skin types, is appropriate for all ages, and treats acne on your face or back. It’s especially effective on most types of acne:
- Pustular acne
- Comedonal acne
- Blackheads
- Enlarged pores
- Acne vulgaris, or clogged hair follicles and their oil-producing sebaceous glands
Dr. Ahdoot may also recommend Isolaz to treat benign vascular and pigmented lesions. This treatment works as a stand-alone therapy or part of a comprehensive treatment plan.
What are the benefits of treating acne with Isolaz?
Clinically proven, Isolaz offers effective acne treatment that attacks acne below the surface of your skin, at the level of your pores. This effective technology addresses blackheads, dirt, oil, and dead cells.
Isolaz is designed to offer a variety of benefits:
- Quick treatments(15-30 minutes)
- Noticeable results within 24 to 48 hours
- No pretreatment or special preparation
- No topical anesthetics
Isolaz significantly decreases the number of acne spots on your skin. You see a reduction in the appearance of your pore size and enjoy improved skin texture. It’s a viable option when you haven’t responded well to drug, laser, or antibiotic therapy.
Are Isolaz acne treatments painful?
The Isolaz treatments are quick, easy, and painless. Following your session, you can return to your regular activities. Expect skin that looks and feels refreshed and radiant.
How many Isolaz treatments do I need?
Initial results are apparent after four to six treatments. Exactly how many treatments you need depends on your medical history, the severity of your acne, and the customized treatment plan Dr. Ahdoot creates for you.
To reduce the appearance and number of the acne spots on your skin, consider Isolaz acne treatment. Call or book a consultation online with Cosmetic Laser Center of Irvine to learn more today.
*Individual results may vary.
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