Thermage CPT Skin Therapy Specialist
Cosmetic Laser Center of Irvine
Laser Aesthetics & Medical Spa located in Irvine, CA
Aging skin that’s lax due to a decline in collagen production benefits from treatment with the Thermage® NXT system. Dr. Morris Ahdoot offers this noninvasive treatment at Cosmetic Laser Center of Irvine in Irvine, California. Call the office or book a consultation online to learn more about how Thermage can rejuvenate your entire appearance.
Thermage CPT Skin Therapy Q & A
What’s Thermage CPT skin therapy?
Thermage is a noninvasive treatment that addresses sagging skin by encouraging collagen remodeling. It uses radiofrequency technology that penetrates into the deep layers of your skin. This revolutionary technology softens wrinkles and lines, promoting an overall younger-looking appearance.
The radiofrequency energy from Thermage triggers your body’s natural production and renewal of collagen (a compound responsible for the strength and elasticity of your skin). Over time, the improved collagen quality means that skin cells renew, and you enjoy improved facial tone, firmness, and texture.
Thermage features a built-in cooling mechanism to keeps the skin’s surface comfortable while the radiofrequency energy does its work. If you find the heat uncomfortable, Dr. Ahdoot adjusts the device to ensure your comfort.
What conditions can be treated with Thermage?
Thermage treatments work on most shades of skin, from the fairest to deep olives and browns. This system is effective for the skin on your face and other areas, including:
- Baggy or hooded eyelids and tired-looking eyes
- Sagging skin on your tummy, knees, arms, legs, buttocks, or hands
- Love handles and cellulite
- Unwanted bulges and sagging skin from pregnancy
Thermage also improves facial contours, so you look brighter and refreshed.
What are the benefits of Thermage?
Thermage helps tighten and smooth your skin without invasive steps, such as surgery, injections, or anesthesia. You get much the same effect as you do with a full facelift — minus the recovery time.
Following treatment, there’s minimal downtime. You don’t have to rearrange your schedule or take time off to improve your appearance. You can quickly return to normal activities following
a Thermage session.
How soon do I see results from Thermage treatments?
You may notice results after just one treatment, but optimal results can take up to six months to appear. Dr. Ahdoot takes time with you to create the right treatment plan — one that gets you the results you desire.
Improve the way you look on the outside and how you feel on the inside. Call or book an appointment online with Cosmetic Laser Center of Irvine to find out how Thermage can smooth, tighten, and contour the skin on your face and body.
*Individual results may vary.
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